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Air & Space Power Journal - English

The July–August 2014 issue is now available at http://www.au.af.mil/au/afri/aspj/. To support today’s electronic reading devices, ASPJ makes all articles available in multiple formats.
In this issue. . . .

A New Era for Command and Control of Aerospace Operations
Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF, Retired
The Imperative to Integrate Air Force Command and Control Systems into Maritime Plans
Maj Gerrit H. Dalman, USAF

Capt Daniel M. Kopp, USAF

LT Gary A. Redman Jr., USN

Maj Damon Matlock, USAF

Maj Jonathan Gaustad, USAF

Maj Jason Scott, Georgia ANG

Capt Danielle J. Bales, USAF

Examining the Importance of the Tactical Air Coordinator (Airborne)

Maj Gregory M. Blom, USAF

Capt Matthew B. Chapman, USAF

Crossing the Streams: Integrating Stovepipes with Command and Control

Maj Matt "Radar" Gaetke, USAF

A Concept for Directing Combat Air Operations

Major General Sam J. Byerley

The Editor
Air and Space Power Journal

“Air and Space Power Journal” is published by Air University Press, part of the Air Force Research Institute.

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